Address/Location: 4255 Benedict St.
City/Town: Hastings
County: St. Johns
State: Florida
Zip code: 32145
Parcel Number: 0506402042
Parcel Size: 1.14 acre
Road Access: Yes – dirt road
Zoning: Residential Single Family (RSF)
HOA: None
Flood Zone? No wetlands or flood zone
Scrub Jay Zone? No
Buildable lot? Yes
Homes allowed? Single-family, mobile, and modular homes, all subject to county permitting/approval.
Power:Power is at the street
Water: Would be by well, not installed
Sewer: Would be by septic system, not installed
Elevation: 7.0 m or 23.0 feet
Annual Property Taxes: $351.71
GPS Coordinates: 29.634127, -81.434903
4 Corners:
29.634543, -81.434646 NE
29.633721, -81.434644 SE
29.633720, -81.435162 SW
29.634542, -81.435165 NW
To see this property on Google Maps and get turn-by-turn directions, click here:
Cash Price: $21,995
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Any questions of what you can or cannot build, can or cannot do on the property should be directed to the county Planning and Zoning Department. Everything we know about the property is listed here. Buyers are responsible for doing their own due diligence.
Our company, The Burke Group, LLC is family owned and operated.